Distance from Savannah, GA to Jekyll Island, GA

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Distance Between Jekyll Island and Savannah: A Comprehensive Guide

When planning a trip between Jekyll Island and Savannah, Georgia, travelers often wonder about the distance, best routes, and transportation options available. This guide provides a thorough breakdown of everything you need to know.

Quick Facts

Transport Type Miles Kilometers Travel Time Cost
By Bus 93 miles 150 kilometers 2 hours 15 mins $25 - $50
By Taxi 93 miles 150 kilometers 1 hour 40 mins $180 - $230
By Car 93 miles 150 kilometers 1 hour 35 mins Varies by fuel cost
By Plane Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable

The Shortest Route

For those looking to reach Jekyll Island from Savannah in the shortest time, driving is the ideal choice. Simply take I-95 S from Savannah, then exit onto US-17 S. Follow the signs for Jekyll Island, and you'll be there in just over an hour and a half!

Accommodation in Jekyll Island

Jekyll Island offers a plethora of accommodations for travelers. From luxury beach resorts to cozy bed and breakfasts, there's something for everyone. Many accommodations offer ocean views, ensuring a serene and picturesque stay. 😊

Things to Do in Jekyll Island

Jekyll Island is not just a destination; it's an experience! Here are some must-dos:


Q: Is there a direct bus service between Jekyll Island and Savannah?

A: Yes, there are direct bus services, though they might be limited. It's best to book in advance!

Q: Can I rent a car in Savannah and drop it off in Jekyll Island?

A: Absolutely! Many rental companies offer this flexibility, but do check for any additional drop-off charges. 🚗

Q: Are pets allowed in Jekyll Island accommodations?

A: Many places in Jekyll Island are pet-friendly, but it's always a good idea to check in advance. 🐾

Traveler Tips & Comments

"Don't miss the sunrise on Driftwood Beach. It's simply magical!" - Alex, seasoned traveler.

"If you're traveling by car, ensure you have a playlist ready. The scenic drive is complemented by great music." - Jamie, road trip enthusiast. 🎶

"For the budget-conscious traveler, there are plenty of affordable eateries that don't skimp on quality. Explore and enjoy!" - Sam, food blogger.

Expert Recommendations

"Jekyll Island is a haven for nature lovers. Apart from the popular attractions, consider taking eco-tours to understand the island's rich biodiversity." - Casey, travel expert.

"Booking accommodations in advance, especially during peak season, will save you from last-minute hassles and often gets you better deals." - Taylor, travel consultant. 💼

Getting Around in Jekyll Island

Once you've reached Jekyll Island, you'll find a variety of ways to explore. Renting bicycles is a popular choice, given the island's scenic paths and trails. Golf carts are also available for those looking to navigate with ease. Whatever your choice, the island's charm is best experienced at a leisurely pace. 🚴‍♂️

Dining in Jekyll Island

Jekyll Island offers a diverse culinary scene. From beachfront cafes serving fresh seafood to sophisticated restaurants with gourmet dishes, there's a gastronomic experience awaiting every traveler. Don't forget to try the local specialties!

Cultural Attractions

Beyond the natural beauty, Jekyll Island boasts rich history and culture:

Events and Festivals

Throughout the year, Jekyll Island hosts numerous events. From art festivals to culinary showcases, there's always something happening. Checking the local event calendar before your visit ensures you don't miss out on unique experiences. 🎉

FAQs Continued

Q: Are there any camping facilities on Jekyll Island?

A: Yes, Jekyll Island has a campground that offers both tent and RV camping options, providing a closer connection to nature. 🏕️

Q: What's the best time to visit Jekyll Island?

A: While Jekyll Island is a year-round destination, spring and fall offer pleasant weather, making it ideal for outdoor activities.

More Tips from Travelers

"If you're a photography enthusiast, carry your equipment. The island offers numerous photographic opportunities, from its landscapes to its vibrant birdlife." - Dana, photographer. 📸

"The local shops have unique souvenirs and crafts. It's worth setting aside some time for shopping." - Raj, world traveler. 🛍️

Final Thoughts

Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a bit of both, Jekyll Island promises a memorable getaway. With its mix of natural beauty, history, and modern amenities, it's no wonder the island remains a favorite among travelers. Embarking from Savannah only adds to the experience, offering a journey as enriching as the destination itself. Happy exploring! 🌴

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