Distance Calculator Tool

Welcome to our Distance Calculator Tool

Our website provides a fast and easy way to calculate the distance between two cities. Whether you're planning a road trip or just want to know the distance between two locations, our tool can help you get the information you need.

How it works

To get started, simply enter the names of the two cities you want to compare in the input fields provided and click the "Calculate Distance" button. Our tool will use the OpenStreetMap API to find the latitude and longitude of each city, then calculate the distance between them using the haversine formula.

The haversine formula takes into account the curvature of the Earth's surface, making it more accurate than simpler methods such as the Pythagorean theorem. It calculates the distance between two points on the surface of a sphere, which is a good approximation of the shape of the Earth.

Once the distance is calculated, you'll see the result displayed in kilometers and miles, along with a map showing the two cities and the driving route between them. You can also adjust the default cities in the input fields and see the distance and route update automatically.

The driving route on the map is calculated using the OpenStreetMap Routing API, which provides driving directions between two locations. The route is shown as a blue line on the map, and you can click on it to see the driving directions in detail.

In addition to the driving route, you can also see the distance between the two cities as the crow flies, which is the shortest distance between them. This is shown as a red line on the map, and it gives you an idea of how far apart the two cities are without taking into account any roads or obstacles.

Why use our tool

Our distance calculator tool has several advantages over other similar tools available online:

Whether you're planning a road trip, a move to a new city, or just curious about the distance between two locations, our tool can help you get the information you need quickly and easily.

How to use our tool

Using our distance calculator tool is easy and straightforward:

  1. Enter the name of the first city you want to compare in the "From" input field.
  2. Enter the name of the second city you want to compare in the "To" input field.
  3. Click the "Calculate Distance" button.
  4. Wait for the tool to calculate the distance and display the results.

You can also adjust the default cities by typing in new names in the input fields and clicking the "Calculate Distance" button again. This will update the distance and route on the map automatically.

If you're planning a road trip, you can use our tool to estimate the driving time between two cities based on the distance and the speed limit

Our tool also allows you to switch between kilometers and miles to see the distance in the units that are most convenient for you. You can do this by clicking on the "Switch to Miles" or "Switch to Kilometers" button that appears below the distance result.

Finally, our tool provides you with a map showing the two cities and the driving route between them. You can zoom in and out of the map to see more details, and click on the driving route to see the directions in detail.

Explore our popular distance calculators:

  1. Gas Trip Calculator
  2. UK Distance Calculator
  3. New Zealand Distance Calculator
  4. Canada Distance Calculator
  5. Malaysia Distance Calculator
  6. India Distance Calculator
  7. Australia Distance Calculator
  8. South Africa Distance Calculator

Start planning your journey today with TravelProfy and discover the most convenient routes, estimated travel times, and distances to make your trip as smooth as possible!

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